AWS Certification Prep

  1. AWS Cloud Practitioner
    Build your proficiency in Amazon Web Services. This role isn’t focused on a single technical role. Instead it builds your overall understanding of the AWS cloud.
  2. AWS Architect
    Associate → Professional
    Learn the components that make up the Well-Architected Framework as defined by AWS. Understand how to make decisions between products and services on AWS, and how to begin architecting your own solutions.
  3. AWS Operations
    Associate → Professional
    Learn the skills necessary for provisioning, operating, and managing distributed application systems on the AWS platform. The role is intended for both IT Ops engineers and developers.
  4. AWS Developer
    Associate → Professional
    Learn how to develop, deploy and debug cloud-based applications using AWS. Gain the practical, hands-on skills you need to successfully develop with all of the major services in AWS.
  5. AWS Specialties
    Learn how to work on advanced networking, security, machine learning, data analytics and databases in AWS.


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